dvd-baker is an application designed to turn your
image collection into a DVD.
The dvd-baker package comprises mainly of a
bash shell script,
and is released under the
GNU General Public License
Your image collection can be stored in:
dvd-baker is written by
Marcus Brown
and makes extensive use of the most excellent
by Scott Dylewski, as well as
- Menu system based on the root and branch albums/folders
- Slideshows made from the images in each leaf album using dvd-slideshow
- An album's highlight is embedded in it's corresponding menu (optional)
- Subtitles for each image (switchable)
- Customisable image durations and transition effects
- Autoplay after menu timeout plays each slideshow sequentially
- Random autoplay (optional) if using
dvdauthor >= 0.6.12
- Either NTSC or PAL video formats
- DVD-compliant MPEG movies can be included
- High, medium or low quality modes
- Audio effects and tracks can be added to image(s)
Theory: How dvd-baker works
It's as simple as RECIPE => BAKE => BURN !!!
- 1. Prepare the recipe maker:
- For Menalto Gallery G2:
Install the dvd-baker module in your G2 website.
- For a directory-tree structure containing images:
No preparation is required, just specify the directory name
in step 2 and a recipe will be made for you.
- 2. Bake the ingredients:
If the default recipe produced by either method in step 1
does not suit your taste, make the recipe first with:
$ dvd-baker --get source
and edit recipe.txt to your liking.
Running dvd-baker will produce all the slideshows and menus
as specified by the recipe, or create it's own recipe if one is not specified.
A file called dvdauthor.xml will be produced describing all
those menus and slideshows, and how they work together.
- 3. Burn the DVD:
If you didn't specify the -d option for
dvd-baker, then execute:
$ dvdauthor -x dvdauthor.xml
To burn the dvd, use your preferred burning application to create a
DVD-Video from the resultant ./DVD directory.
See the dvd-baker manual for the multitude
of available options.
You can download dvd-baker from
the dvd-baker repository at Sourceforge.
- If you like dvd-baker

make a donation.